2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'natural health education'|My Journey Into Natural Health

About 'natural health education'|My Journey Into Natural Health

I               have               written               a               series               of               articles               called               Herbal               Health               101.

Here's               why               I               wrote               it               and               what               it's               all               about.

I               have               been               studying               herbs               and               herbal               health               since               my               late               teens.

It's               always               been               something               that               interested               me,               and               I               loved               that               there               were               ways               to               take               care               of               my               health               without               the               use               of               man-made               chemicals.

I've               always               preferred               to               be               as               natural               as               possible,               and               herbal               healing               allows               us               to               use               the               cures               that               nature               created               for               us.
               I               really               got               into               herbalism               when               I               was               about               18               and               living               out               in               the               country.

I               used               to               go               for               walks               in               the               woods,               and               I               was               curious               about               all               the               different               types               of               plant               life               I               could               find.

I               got               myself               a               copy               of               the               Reader's               Digest               Illustrated               Guide               to               North               American               Wildlife               and               started               identifying               as               many               species               as               I               could.

I'd               even               take               samples               and               press               them               in               wax               paper               between               the               pages               to               give               myself               a               real               example               of               each               plant.
               As               I               was               reading               the               book               I               noted               that               some               of               the               plants               were               rumored               to               have               various               healing               effects,               such               as               chickweed               being               used               to               cure               colic               and               lead               poisoning.

This               fascinated               me,               and               so               I               started               doing               more               research               into               the               medicinal               uses               of               the               plants               that               grew               in               my               area,               as               well               as               others               that               didn't.

I               weeded               through               the               old               wives'               tales               and               found               the               facts,               and               was               amazed               at               all               the               plants               and               herbs               that               could               be               used               for               healing               a               person.
               It               wasn't               long               before               I               started               harvesting               wild               herbs               and               growing               my               own               as               well.

I               had               found               that               many               cooking               spices               not               only               tasted               great,               they               also               had               health               benefits.

I               could               actually               cook               in               ways               that               would               make               the               food               delicious               and               medicinal               at               the               same               time.

Ever               since               then,               I               have               learned               more               and               more               about               medicinal               plants,               how               to               find               them,               cultivate               them,               and               use               them               in               both               cooking               and               other               medicinal               preparations.
               Over               the               years               I've               found               some               great               books               on               herbalism,               and               even               took               courses               on               medicinal               herbalism.

I               have               used               a               number               of               herbal               cures               over               the               years,               and               many               of               them               I               have               made               myself               with               herbs               that               I               gathered               from               the               wild               or               purchased               at               local               herb               shops.

I               find               herbs               to               be               wonderful               for               healing,               and               that's               why               I               started               writing               articles               about               herbs               and               herbal               healing.

I               wanted               to               share               my               experience               with               others,               both               those               who               already               use               herbal               healing,               and               those               who               are               still               unsure               about               it.
               One               of               the               reasons               I               share               what               I               know               is               because               herbs               can               be               acquired               without               prescription,               sometimes               for               free               in               the               wild,               and               can               be               gotten               by               people               who               are               too               poor               to               get               to               doctors               and               buy               prescription               medications.

I               have               been               treating               my               thyroiditis               through               the               use               of               herbs               for               many               years               because               I               can't               afford               to               go               to               a               doctor.

If               I               didn't               know               anything               about               herbs               or               how               to               use               them,               I               might               not               even               be               alive               right               now.

Herbs               have               kept               me               well               enough               to               keep               going,               and               I               thank               every               book               and               person               that               ever               taught               me               anything               about               them.
               Now,               I               must               state               that               I'm               not               a               certified               herbal               healer,               and               it's               always               wise               to               go               to               a               professional               doctor               or               herbal               healer               if               at               all               possible.

Herbs               can               cause               allergic               reaction               or               have               side-effects.

If               you're               going               to               use               herbs               on               your               own,               you               need               to               know               the               risks               and               learn               as               much               as               possible               before               you               begin               any               herbal               treatment.
               I               hope               that               my               series               of               Herbal               Health               101               articles               has               been               helpful               to               my               readers.

I               enjoy               writing               the               articles,               and               I               will               be               adding               more               to               the               series               as               time               allows.

I               try               to               share               not               only               the               facts               with               you,               but               also               my               own               personal               experiences.

Knowing               how               something               works               in               practical               application               can               be               a               big               deal               when               choosing               an               herbal               treatment.

Hopefully               I'm               educating               my               readers               and               providing               a               resource               that               will               be               useful               for               years               to               come.
               Now,               in               case               you               haven't               already               read               them,               here               are               the               articles               in               the               series               thus               far:
               A               Guide               to               Identifying               Wild               Herbs
               Alternative               Thyroiditis               Treatments
               Do               Herbal               Treatments               for               Hair               Loss               Really               Work?
               Growing               Your               Own               Herbs               at               Home
               How               to               Collect               Plant               and               Herb               Seeds
               How               to               Dry               and               Store               Herbs               at               Home
               How               to               Gather               Wild               Herbs
               How               to               Make               a               Calming               Herbal               Sachet
               How               to               Make               a               Pain               Relieving               Bath               Soak
               How               to               Make               an               Herbal               Hair               Tonic               to               Reduce               Hair               Loss
               How               to               Make               an               Herbal               Scalp               Rub               to               Encourage               Hair               Growth
               How               to               Prevent               and               Cure               Heartburn               Naturally
               How               to               Prevent               Pregnancy               Using               All-Natural               Neem
               How               to               Research               a               Natural               Herbal               Cure
               How               to               Transplant               Wild               Herbs               to               a               Home               Garden
               Learning               About               Herbs               &               Education               for               Herb               Users
               Side               Effects               of               Herbs
               Spices               for               Your               Health               &               Kitchen               Herbs               that               Heal
               Use               of               the               Herb               Fenugreek               May               Lead               to               Unwanted               Weight               Gain
               Using               Clove               for               Tooth               Pain               and               Gum               Issues
               Why               Use               Herbs?

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    About 'organic nutrition'|NUTRITION : The Pros and Cons of "Organic" Food Revisited

    About 'organic nutrition'|NUTRITION : The Pros and Cons of "Organic" Food Revisited

    Recently               I               have               been               trying               out               different               brands               of               organic               whole               wheat               pasta.

    I               have               been               enjoying               the               experience,               I               figure               this               is               the               best               way               to               find               an               organic               whole               wheat               spaghetti               that               I               like               for               its               taste,               nutrition               and               price.

    While               there               have               been               some               brands               that               I               have               clearly               thought               were               better               than               others,               there               have               also               been               brands               that               I               thought               were               not               as               good               as               some               of               the               other               whole               wheat               pastas               that               I               tried.

    Thankfully               when               I               tried               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               I               thought               that               it               was               one               of               the               better               ones.

    I               found               a               sixteen               ounce               box               for               two               dollars               and               seventy               nine               cents.

    It               was               an               average               cost               for               organic               whole               wheat               spaghetti               so               right               there               I               thought               that               was               good.

    It               can               get               expensive               buying               organic               food               items               if               you               aren't               careful               and               so               it               is               nice               when               you               can               find               brands               that               don't               cost               a               fortune.

    One               of               the               first               things               that               I               noticed               on               the               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               box               was               the               word               vegetarian               under               the               label.

    This               was               the               first               time               that               I               had               seen               the               word               vegetarian               on               a               spaghetti               box,               even               though               spaghetti               noodles               are               vegetarian.

    The               next               thing               that               I               noticed               on               the               box               was               a               vegetarian               diet               pyramid,               something               else               I               have               never               seen               on               a               spaghetti               box               or               anywhere               else               for               that               matter.

    This               had               me               very               eager               to               try               out               the               spaghetti               as               well               as               find               out               about               the               company.
                   The               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               cooked               up               in               less               than               fifteen               minutes               and               I               thought               that               it               tasted               good,               it               wasn't               too               hearty               although               it               still               is               whole               wheat               pasta               so               it               is               going               to               be               somewhat               hearty.

    The               company               Westbrae               actually               started               out               as               a               grocery               store               in               the               seventies.

    Eventually               they               dropped               the               store               and               became               a               manufacture               of               vegetarian               foods               full               time.

    Last               year               the               company               was               acquired               by               The               Hain               Celestial               Group,               which               owns               such               brands               as               Rice               Dream,               Hain               Pure               Foods               and               Celestial               Seasonings.

    All               in               all               the               company               seemed               to               be               quite               wonderful               and               as               I               mentioned               above               the               taste               was               not               bad               either.
                   Each               box               came               with               eight               servings               and               listed               organic               whole               durum               wheat               flour               for               its               only               ingredient.

    The               nutrition               that               the               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               offered               was               very               good.

    It               offered               more               calcium,               four               percent               of               your               daily               need,               than               any               previous               whole               wheat               spaghettis               that               I               have               ever               tried.

    It               also               had               eight               percent               of               your               daily               need               of               iron.

    Each               serving               was               low               in               sodium,               at               only               ten               milligrams               a               serving,               and               high               in               potassium.

    The               potassium               listed               two               hundred               and               twenty               grams               which               would               be               six               thousand               percent               of               what               you               would               need               daily,               so               clearly               this               was               a               typo.

    I               verified               on               the               company's               website               that               the               potassium               in               every               serving               is               in               fact               two               hundred               and               twenty               milligrams.

    Being               whole               wheat               not               surprisingly               the               spaghetti               offered               six               grams               of               fiber               and               eight               grams               of               protein               and               being               pasta               not               surprisingly               was               low               in               sugar               with               one               gram               and               offered               forty               one               grams               of               carbohydrates.
                   After               tasting               the               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti,               reviewing               the               company,               and               reading               the               ingredients               and               nutrition               facts               I               was               quite               pleased               about               the               spaghetti.

    In               addition               I               liked               that               it               came               in               a               mostly               cardboard               box,               instead               of               solid               plastic.

    I               would               definitely               consider               getting               this               spaghetti               again.

    I               would               recommend               it               to               anyone.

    All               in               all               I               thought               that               this               was               a               good               food               item               and               I               am               happy               that               I               tried               it.

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    3. theragblog.blogspot.com/   09/29/2008
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    7. stoney321.livejournal.com/   08/20/2009
      ... , rant Organics and the Nutrition debate, round 2 (ish) I...of having more nutrition. Now. If you want to say that organic foods are...
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    2013년 12월 2일 월요일

    About 'holistic health education'|2010 Throne Speech- Education, Health, Youth, Families, Sport and Community Development

    About 'holistic health education'|2010 Throne Speech- Education, Health, Youth, Families, Sport and Community Development

    The               professional               opportunities               for               holistic,               natural               and               alternative               healthcare               practitioners               are               rapidly               expanding.

    Not               only               is               the               western               world               becoming               more               open               to               the               benefits               of               holistic,               natural               and               alternative               medicines,               but               licensing               agencies               within               state               governments               are               also               beginning               to               recognize               both               the               significance               and               practicality               of               these               medical               professionals.

    However,               with               added               acceptance               comes               added               responsibilities.

    You               can               meet               these               added               professional               responsibilities               by               becoming               licensed               in               your               field               through               a               state               or               accreditation               organization.

    State               Licensing               Requirements
                   The               number               of               states               now               requiring               holistic,               natural               and               alternative               healthcare               practitioners               to               be               licensed               has               increased,               and               will               most               likely               continue               to               increase.

    As               of               2009               thirteen               of               the               fifty               states               required               these               healthcare               professionals               to               maintain               a               state               license               to               practice               their               craft.

    The               exact               requirements               for               each               state               is               going               to               vary,               as               some               states               only               require               alternative               medicine               professionals               to               register               for               a               license               and               document               their               training               and               professional               certifications,               while               others               require               practitioners               to               pass               a               state               board               exam.

    If               you               are               planning               on               practicing               as               a               holistic               healer               or               healthcare               practitioner,               you               need               to               make               sure               you               meet               your               state's               licensing               requirements.

    Licensing               requirements               are               usually               maintained               by               either               the               state               professional               licensing               board               or               the               state's               homeopathic               board.
                   American               Association               of               Drugless               Practitioners
                   One               of               the               professional               organizations               that               you               can               earn               a               license               from               is               the               American               Association               of               Drugless               Practitioners.

    This               organization               is               a               membership               based               licensing               board.

    To               obtain               membership               you               need               to               meet               basic               requirements               which               are               based               on               education,               experience               and               personal/professional               philosophies.

    In               exchange               for               your               membership               you               gain               access               to               patient               referrals,               advertising               benefits,               free               web               hosting               and               site               design               services               and               recognizable               accreditation.

    Accreditation               by               this               organization               will               also               help               you               to               meet               your               state's               requirements               for               licensure.
                   Quantum               Healer               License
                   Another               license               that               you               can               earn               is               a               Quantum               Healer               license.

    This               is               not               a               medical               license,               but               rather               a               "spiritual"               license.

    The               requirements               for               this               license               are               based               on               taking               three               video               course               on               quantum               healing,               which               is               a               spiritual-holistic               form               of               healing               and               counseling,               and               the               participation               in               a               workshop.
                   Certified               Alternative               Healthcare               Practitioner
                   The               next               professional               license/certification               that               you               can               earn               as               an               alternative               healthcare               practitioner               is               the               alternative               healthcare               practitioner               certification.

    This               certification               is               based               on               the               accumulation               of               educational               credits               in               alternative               healthcare               subjects,               clinical               studies,               professional               ethics               and               professional               practice               training.

    This               certification               is               important               to               have               on               your               wall,               as               it               will               prove               to               your               patients               that               you               have               completed               the               training               required               to               be               an               effective               and               safe               alternative               healthcare               practitioner.

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    6. taniafuentez.wordpress.com/   06/12/2012
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    7. monkshobbit.wordpress.com/   06/08/2011
      ... to education. No. What the church wants to emphasize is this: because holistic education to make better citizens of the nation and better ...
    8. tinnoi.wordpress.com/   09/19/2009
      ... on the best that modern and complementary medicine have to offer. Education is a primary function of our Holistic Health team dedicated to teaching you about your health...
    9. bermudajewel.wordpress.com/   11/10/2010
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    11. Holistic Health Education - Blog Homepage Results

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