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레이블이 Organic Nutrition Supplements인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'organic nutrition'|NUTRITION : The Pros and Cons of "Organic" Food Revisited

About 'organic nutrition'|NUTRITION : The Pros and Cons of "Organic" Food Revisited

Recently               I               have               been               trying               out               different               brands               of               organic               whole               wheat               pasta.

I               have               been               enjoying               the               experience,               I               figure               this               is               the               best               way               to               find               an               organic               whole               wheat               spaghetti               that               I               like               for               its               taste,               nutrition               and               price.

While               there               have               been               some               brands               that               I               have               clearly               thought               were               better               than               others,               there               have               also               been               brands               that               I               thought               were               not               as               good               as               some               of               the               other               whole               wheat               pastas               that               I               tried.

Thankfully               when               I               tried               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               I               thought               that               it               was               one               of               the               better               ones.

I               found               a               sixteen               ounce               box               for               two               dollars               and               seventy               nine               cents.

It               was               an               average               cost               for               organic               whole               wheat               spaghetti               so               right               there               I               thought               that               was               good.

It               can               get               expensive               buying               organic               food               items               if               you               aren't               careful               and               so               it               is               nice               when               you               can               find               brands               that               don't               cost               a               fortune.

One               of               the               first               things               that               I               noticed               on               the               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               box               was               the               word               vegetarian               under               the               label.

This               was               the               first               time               that               I               had               seen               the               word               vegetarian               on               a               spaghetti               box,               even               though               spaghetti               noodles               are               vegetarian.

The               next               thing               that               I               noticed               on               the               box               was               a               vegetarian               diet               pyramid,               something               else               I               have               never               seen               on               a               spaghetti               box               or               anywhere               else               for               that               matter.

This               had               me               very               eager               to               try               out               the               spaghetti               as               well               as               find               out               about               the               company.
               The               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               cooked               up               in               less               than               fifteen               minutes               and               I               thought               that               it               tasted               good,               it               wasn't               too               hearty               although               it               still               is               whole               wheat               pasta               so               it               is               going               to               be               somewhat               hearty.

The               company               Westbrae               actually               started               out               as               a               grocery               store               in               the               seventies.

Eventually               they               dropped               the               store               and               became               a               manufacture               of               vegetarian               foods               full               time.

Last               year               the               company               was               acquired               by               The               Hain               Celestial               Group,               which               owns               such               brands               as               Rice               Dream,               Hain               Pure               Foods               and               Celestial               Seasonings.

All               in               all               the               company               seemed               to               be               quite               wonderful               and               as               I               mentioned               above               the               taste               was               not               bad               either.
               Each               box               came               with               eight               servings               and               listed               organic               whole               durum               wheat               flour               for               its               only               ingredient.

The               nutrition               that               the               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti               offered               was               very               good.

It               offered               more               calcium,               four               percent               of               your               daily               need,               than               any               previous               whole               wheat               spaghettis               that               I               have               ever               tried.

It               also               had               eight               percent               of               your               daily               need               of               iron.

Each               serving               was               low               in               sodium,               at               only               ten               milligrams               a               serving,               and               high               in               potassium.

The               potassium               listed               two               hundred               and               twenty               grams               which               would               be               six               thousand               percent               of               what               you               would               need               daily,               so               clearly               this               was               a               typo.

I               verified               on               the               company's               website               that               the               potassium               in               every               serving               is               in               fact               two               hundred               and               twenty               milligrams.

Being               whole               wheat               not               surprisingly               the               spaghetti               offered               six               grams               of               fiber               and               eight               grams               of               protein               and               being               pasta               not               surprisingly               was               low               in               sugar               with               one               gram               and               offered               forty               one               grams               of               carbohydrates.
               After               tasting               the               Westbrae               Natural               Organic               Whole               Wheat               Spaghetti,               reviewing               the               company,               and               reading               the               ingredients               and               nutrition               facts               I               was               quite               pleased               about               the               spaghetti.

In               addition               I               liked               that               it               came               in               a               mostly               cardboard               box,               instead               of               solid               plastic.

I               would               definitely               consider               getting               this               spaghetti               again.

I               would               recommend               it               to               anyone.

All               in               all               I               thought               that               this               was               a               good               food               item               and               I               am               happy               that               I               tried               it.

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