레이블이 Holistic Practitioner Degree인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Holistic Practitioner Degree인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'holistic health practitioner schools'|Back to School

About 'holistic health practitioner schools'|Back to School

Lately,               I've               been               hearing               a               lot               about               naturopathy,               a               type               of               alternative               medicine.

As               holistic               practitioners,               naturopaths               are               concerned               with               the               big               picture,               looking               at               a               patient's               mental               and               spiritual               well               being               in               addition               to               their               physical               wellness               or               lack               thereof.

As               interest               grows               in               complementary               medicine               and               alternative               health               care,               you               may               wonder               if               you               should               see               a               naturopathic               doctor               (ND)               or               other               practitioner               of               naturopathic               medicine               in               addition               to--               or               possibly               instead               of--               a               traditional               medical               doctor.

Many               people               are               asking               themselves               the               same               question,               and               that               is               where               the               controversy               over               naturopathy               lies.

Naturopathic               doctors               and               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               focus               on               prevention               and               healthy               lifestyle               choices,               preferring               a               patient               to               be               proactive               when               it               comes               to               health               care,               instead               of               waiting               until               a               patient               develops               a               disease               or               other               chronic               health               condition.

Naturopaths               believe               that               the               human               body               can               heal               itself,               so               practitioners               of               naturopathy               focus               on               the               underlying               causes               of               disease               and               chronic               conditions               as               opposed               to               treating               the               symptoms               of               sickness               and               disease.
               When               you               visit               a               naturopath,               he               or               she               will               want               to               know               about               more               than               your               standard               medical               history,               evaluating               your               nutritional               choices,               how               much               and               what               type               of               exercise               you               get,               and               your               general               psychological               well-being.

When               you               first               visit               a               naturopathic               doctor,               expect               to               spend               an               hour               or               more               in               your               first               consultation,               and               at               least               half               an               hour               on               follow               up               visits.
               When               you               contrast               this               approach               with               the               experience               many               of               us               have               with               traditional               doctors               who               are               often               unable               to               spend               more               than               fifteen               minutes               with               a               patient,               seeing               a               practitioner               of               naturopathic               medicine               seems               ideal.

However,               there               are               drawbacks               to               naturopathy,               especially               if               you               intend               to               rely               on               a               naturopathic               doctor               (ND)               or               traditional               practitioner               of               naturopathic               medicine               as               your               primary               health               care               source.
               Practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               do               not               approve               of               inorganic               medicines               (ie.

pharmaceuticals)               and               invasive               procedures,               preferring               natural               and               homeopathic               remedies               for               disease.

They               are               also               opposed               to               invasive               surgery               and               certain               other               treatments.

Most               naturopaths               are               also               opposed               to               vaccination.

This               is,               as               you               might               imagine,               problematic               and               possibly               dangerous,               especially               when               it               comes               to               treatment               of               infectious               disease               or               diseases               like               cancer.

In               many               cases,               reliance               on               naturopathy               may               cause               a               disease               to               get               worse,               and               might               even               result               in               death.
               Another               area               of               controversy               arises               from               the               qualifications               and               education,               or               lack               thereof,               of               many               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine.

In               short,               there               are               a               lot               of               quacks               out               there               and               few               ways               to               prevent               them               from               taking               advantage               of               their               patients.
               In               this               article,               I               have               been               differentiating               between               naturopathic               doctors               (ND)               and               other               practitioners               of               naturopathy.

It               is               possible               to               get               a               four               year               degree               in               naturopathy,               but               few               schools               offer               it.

Furthermore,               naturopathic               doctors               do               not               complete               a               residency               program               like               a               traditional               medical               doctor               is               required               to               do               upon               competition               of               medical               school.

According               to               the               Naturopathic               National               Council,               Inc.

many               traditional               naturopaths               have               only               completed               minimal               training               in               order               to               get               a               certificate,               and               some               practicioners               of               naturopathy               have               no               formal               training               whatsoever.
               Even               more               worrying,               in               most               US               states,               parts               of               Canada               and               all               of               the               UK,               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               are               not               required               to               be               licensed.

In               jurisdictions               where               naturopaths               are               unlicensed,               it               is               very               possible               that               the               traditional               naturopath               or               other               practitioner               of               naturopathy               who               calls               himself               a               naturopathic               doctor               (ND)               has               only               taken               a               six               week               course               over               the               internet,               and               he               may               have               no               formal               training               at               all.
               Only               15               US               States               currently               regulate               or               license               naturopathy:               Alaska,               Arizona,               California,               Connecticut,               Hawaii,               Idaho,               Kansas,               Maine,               Minnesota,               Montana,               Vermont,               New               Hampshire,               Oregon,               Utah               and               Washington.

The               District               of               Columbia,               Puerto               Rico,               and               the               US               Virgin               Islands               also               license               or               otherwise               regulate               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine.

In               addition,               Florida               and               Virgina               have               licensed               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               under               a               grandfather               clause,               but               are               not               licensing               naturopathic               doctors               or               traditional               naturopaths.
               Only               two               states               prohibit               the               practice               of               naturopathy               outright:               Tennessee               and               South               Carolina.
               Five               Canadian               provinces               currently               license               or               otherwise               regulate               naturopathic               doctors:               British               Columbia,               Manitoba,               Ontario,               Saskatchewan               and               Nova               Scotia.

In               BC,               naturopathic               doctors               are               able               to               write               prescriptions               and               perform               minor               surgery.
               Finally,               if               you               do               consider               consulting               a               naturopathic               doctor               or               traditional               naturopath,               it               may               not               be               covered               by               insurance.

In               fact,               insurance               coverage               for               naturopathy               is               rare,               so               check               with               your               insurer               before               consulting               a               naturopath               if               this               is               an               issue.
               The               American               Association               of               Naturopathic               Physicians
               The               Naturopathic               National               Council,               Inc.
               Yahoo               Health
               American               Holistic               Medical               Association

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    2013년 11월 25일 월요일

    About 'holistic health programs'|The Total Health Program on World Health Day

    About 'holistic health programs'|The Total Health Program on World Health Day

    About               2.6               million               Americans               worked               as               registered               nurses               in               2008,               making               this               the               nation's               largest               healthcare               occupation,               according               to               the               Bureau               of               Labor               Statistics.

    The               agency               expects               nursing               job               opportunities               to               grow               22               percent               between               2008               and               2018.

    To               begin               their               careers,               registered               nurses               often               secure               a               bachelor's               degree,               associate               degree               or               diploma.

    Established               nurses               may               pursue               a               higher               level               of               education               to               open               the               doors               for               career               advancement.

    Those               hoping               to               begin               or               further               a               healthcare               career               in               New               Jersey               can               find               several               colleges               and               universities               with               schools               of               nursing.

    The               College               of               New               Jersey               
                   Located               in               the               central               New               Jersey               town               of               Ewing,               the               College               of               New               Jersey               offers               bachelor's               and               master's               degrees               in               nursing,               as               well               as               post-master's               certifications.

    Undergraduate               degree               classes               include               holistic               health               assessment,               statistics,               childbearing               family               science               and               wellness               promotion.

    You'll               need               128               credits               to               complete               the               bachelor's               degree.

    Classes               are               held               only               on               weekdays               and               on               campus.

    The               school               says               its               average               nursing               class               contains               15               to               30               students.

    Students               complete               five               structured               clinical               experiences               that               include               work               in               local               hospitals,               clinics               and               doctor's               offices.

    Master's               degree               programs               include               clinical               nurse               leader               and               nurse               practitioner               offerings.
                   Rutgers               University               
                   Students               find               a               full               spectrum               of               nursing               education               options               at               Rutgers               University,               including               a               bachelor's,               master's               and               Ph.D.


    Students               can               also               receive               a               doctor               of               nursing               practice               degree.

    Rutgers               offers               the               undergraduate               degree               at               its               Newark               and               New               Brunswick               campuses.

    Trends               in               healthcare               delivery,               nutrition               and               health,               microbiology               and               the               health               and               illness               of               adults               rank               among               the               courses               for               a               bachelor's               degree.

    Undergraduates               need               125               credits               to               graduate.

    Students               can               focus               their               master's               degree               in               several               areas,               including               community               health               nursing,               advanced               practice               in               pediatric               nursing               and               psychiatric               mental               health               nursing.
                   Seton               Hall               University               
                   In               addition               to               its               bachelor's               degree               program,               Seton               Hall               University               offers               10               graduate               degrees               and               three               post-master's               certificates.

    Master's               programs               include               concentrations               for               pediatric,               gerontological               and               adult               nurse               practitioners,               school               nurses,               health               administrators               and               nursing               educators.

    Students               can               also               earn               a               Ph.D.

    in               nursing               or               a               doctor               of               nursing               practice               degree.

    Bachelor's               degree               students               must               complete               125               credit               hours.

    Classes               include               dying               with               dignity,               maternal               newborn               nursing,               health               promotion               and               the               legal               aspects               of               nursing.

    Seton               Hall               University               is               located               in               the               northern               New               Jersey               town               of               South               Orange.
                   Fairleigh               Dickinson               University               
                   Students               can               achieve               a               bachelor's               or               master's               degree               in               nursing               at               Fairleigh               Dickinson               University,               along               with               a               doctor               of               nursing               practice               degree.

    The               bachelor's               program               welcomes               full-time               and               part-time               students.

    It               requires               128               credits               for               graduation,               and               its               focuses               include               psychiatric               nursing,               healthcare               economics,               bioethics               and               healthcare               management.

    The               school               says               its               master's               program               prepares               students               to               become               nurse               practitioners,               forensic               specialists,               nurse               educators               or               leaders               and               nurse               information               system               specialists.
                   Sources               for               this               article:               
                   Bureau               of               Labor               Statistics:               Registered               Nurses
                   The               College               of               New               Jersey:               School               of               Nursing,               Health               &               Exercise               Science
                   Rutgers               College               of               Nursing:               Academic               Programs
                   Seton               Hall               University:               Academic               Programs               in               the               College               of               Nursing
                   Fairleigh               Dickinson               University:               Academic               Programs

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  • Related blog with holistic health programs

    1. www.myspace.com/carlawillsbrandon/blog   07/09/2010
      ... for answers, but found in the state of Texas alternative health programs and schools are criminalized. ( Currently, with a PhD...
    2. zengersmag.blogspot.com/   10/12/2010
      ... and government programs don’t cover them...commitment to a vision of health different from the aggressive... in holistic health will avoid hospital...
    3. goodolddaysfarm.blogspot.com/   04/20/2011
      ...Herbalist Program looks great, too! So, I have decided to take the Holistic Health Practitioner Program , which is a combination of the Nutritional Consultant and Master Herbalist programs...
    4. llbaronfamily.blogspot.com/   07/09/2008
      ...program. Here are the details of the program: GCNM’s home-study Holistic Health Practitioner Program contains 20 comprehensive lessons, covering topics...
    5. hiprojects.wordpress.com/   04/07/2012
      ... the Total Health program with a simple idea...new generation of holistic healthcare ... holistic health services...the Total Health program. Share this: Email...
    6. anniebanks.wordpress.com/   04/16/2010
      ...with a comprehensive assessment, which address all components of holistic Health, to create a personalized program. Now, not everyone wants to tackle everything at once, so even...
    7. onemindmedical.blogspot.com/   04/08/2009
      ...? Try it! What personality does your abdomen have?! Guinevere Amadeo, LMP. Seattle Holistic Health Examiner www.guinevereamadeolmp.wordpress.com Cranio-Sacral Yes! There are almost too many...
    8. wenchwisdom.blogspot.com/   03/04/2012
      ...." The basis of its holistic approach to wellness divides...dozen clients for her health coaching; it ...month health coaching program costs $1,260. Christa...
    9. tinnoi.wordpress.com/   09/19/2009
      ...a commitment to providing a holistic approach to your health needs. In this sense, Chiva-Som..., choose a detoxification program, want to embark on a preventative health...
    10. mysticbourgeoisie.blogspot.com/   02/15/2009
      ...include, as the site puts it, Three Principal Program Areas : Extended Human ...Consciousness Death, Dying, and Beyond Integral Health and Healing Biofields Distant...
    11. Holistic Health Programs - Blog Homepage Results

      ...Portland, Oregon, is a leader in holistic health education. We are ..., offering flexible online programs, a highly qualified faculty...
      Empowering you with tools for vibrant living through recipes, articles, classes, retreats, detox programs and holistic health coaching.
      ... ago, we started the Total Health program with a simple idea: shore up the gaps...by training a new generation of holistic healthcare workers cheaply and effectively...

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