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레이블이 Natural Health Programs인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'holistic medicine degree'|...can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/yantra.htm Astrology & Quantum ( Holistic ) Medicine In his essay " Self Healing ", Dr Naras Bhat writes that " the...

About 'holistic medicine degree'|...can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/yantra.htm Astrology & Quantum ( Holistic ) Medicine In his essay " Self Healing ", Dr Naras Bhat writes that " the...

The               debate               between               traditional               medicine               and               use               of               homeopathic,               or               holistic               medicine               has               continued               to               build               as               the               desire               and               availability               of               alternatives               to               traditional               medicine               become               more               prevalent.

The               alternative               treatments               are               being               used               either               in               place               of               or               in               conjunction               with               traditional               medicine               and               the               trend               has               increased               as               many               people               find               themselves               in               difficult               financial               positions.

Homeopathic               remedies               range               from               vitamin               supplements               to               electromagnetic               therapy               to               chiropractic               care.

While               the               cost               of               alternative               medicine               practices               and               therapies               still               can               be               pricey,               in               some               cases               they               are               still               cheaper               than               a               trip               to               a               traditional               physician's               office.

This               can               be               especially               true               for               people               without               health               insurance.

The               question               is:               are               the               non-traditional               or               alternative               therapies               as               safe,               and               work               as               well,               as               proven               scientific               traditional               medicine?

In               order               to               understand               the               debate               between               the               two               practices,               it               is               important               to               know               what               each               kind               of               medicine               is,               and               the               differences               between               them.
               Homeopathic               Treatments               Vs               Traditional               Medicine               -               Brief               History               of               Traditional               Medicine
               Traditional               or               modern               medicine               is               primarily               based               on               the               teachings               of               the               Greek               physician               Hippocrates               (circa               460               BC               -               370               BC),               who               is               considered               to               the               father               of               modern               medicine.

It               was               Hippocrates               that               provided               a               rational,               scientific,               approach               to               illness               with               the               categorizing               of               the               diseases               into:               acute,               chronic,               endemic,               and               epidemic               descriptions.

Perhaps               his               most               well               known               work               was               the               creation               of               the               ethical               code               by               which               all               physicians               abide               by.

This               code               is               known               as               the               Hippocratic               Oath,               and               is               still               used               by               traditional               modern               day               doctors.

Using               symptoms,               physical               findings,               and               surgical               treatments               Hippocrates               wrote               the               medical               texts               that               would               be               taught               and               continues               to               be               built               upon               today.
               Homeopathic               Treatments               Vs               Traditional               Medicine               -               Brief               History               of               Homeopathic               Medicine
               While               translating               a               Scottish               medical               text               into               German               in               1784,               Samuel               Hahnemann               -               considered               to               be               the               father               of               homeopathy               -               decided               that               the               medicine               of               his               time               provided               little               true               relief               for               patients.

Hahnemann               began               working               on               chemical               combinations               made               from               environmental               agents               realizing               that,               in               minimal               doses,               "what               makes               a               man               ill               also               cures               him".

By               the               end               of               the               late               18th               Century,               he               was               practicing               his               non-traditional               medical               treatments               on               patients               and               set               forth               the               principles               of               what               has               evolved               into               modern               day               homeopathy               and               alternative               medicine.
               Homeopathic               Treatments               Vs               Traditional               Medicine               -               The               differences
               A               main               difference               between               homeopathic               and               traditional               medicine               is               the               license,               degree,               and               training               required.

In               order               for               a               practitioner               of               homeopathy               to               treat               patients               they               must               be               trained               though               an               accredited               school,               such               as               The               Medical               College               of               Homeopathy,               and               should               be               board               certified               through               an               organization               such               as               the               American               Holistic               Medical               Association;               a               traditional               medical               license               is               not               required.

An               example               of               an               alternative               medicine               practitioner               would               be               a               chiropractor.

While               chiropractors               are               required               to               attend               a               school               to               gain               a               license               to               practice,               they               are               not               medical               doctors.
               Another               difference               between               homeopathic               and               traditional               medicine               is               the               focus               of               the               treatments.

In               traditional               medicine               the               focus               is               on               the               science               of               curing               the               patient               of               a               specific               illness               and/or               disease.

This               may               include               pharmaceutical               (medications               by               pill,               drop,               injection,               or               IV),               surgical               treatments               (invasive               and               noninvasive),               or               other               physical               management               of               the               patient.

Alleviating               the               symptoms               of               a               patient               to               provide               comfort,               coupled               with               the               determination               to               cure               the               underlying               disease               and/or               medical               condition               in               an               attempt               prevent               further               complications               is               the               primary               goal               of               a               traditional               medicine               physician.
               With               homeopathic               or               holistic               medicine,               the               focus               is               one               the               patient               as               a               whole.

The               treatments               are               mostly               all               natural               instead               of               chemically               engineered.

Homeopathic               medicine               tends               to               also               focus               more               on               prevention               than               the               curative               aspect               of               a               disease               or               patient.

Alternative               medicine               practitioners               see               a               symptom               not               as               a               problem               that               needs               to               be               cured,               but               rather               a               sign               that               the               body               is               attempting               to               cure               itself.

Homeopathic               treatments               are               aimed               at               helping               the               body               move               towards               health               with               minimal               intervention.
               With               the               differences               in               both               practitioner               and               focus               of               each               kind               of               medicine,               it               is               understandable               how               the               debate               between               traditional               and               homeopathic               medical               treatments,               and               of               which               type               is               more               effective,               began.
               Homeopathic               Treatments               Vs               Traditional               Medicine               -               The               debate               and               Controversy
               Medical               doctors               since               the               time               of               Hippocrates               have               looked               to               the               science               and               proven               trials               of               medical               treatments.

To               some               traditional               medical               doctors,               the               idea               that               the               body               can               be               healed               with               electromagnetic               therapy               or               through               the               minor               adjustments               of               the               skeletal               system               is               dismissed               as               quackery.

Often               the               medical               physician               will               feel               that               the               approach               that               alternative               medicine               takes               is               too               broad               and               will               not               have               any               effect               on               curing               the               disease               or               condition.

In               contrast,               homeopathic               supporters               view               traditional               medicine               as               being               too               specific               and               narrow               to               completely               treat               a               person               and               ultimately               prevent               any               further               illness               or               distress.

While               most               homeopathic               practitioners               feel               that               there               is               a               place               for               traditional               medicine               they               feel               that               some,               if               not               most               things,               can               be               treated               with               minimal               interference.

Adversely,               many               traditional               medical               physicians               do               not               see               a               place               for               holistic               medicine               at               all.
               In               1998,               The               American               Medical               Association               (A.M.A.)               dedicated               a               year               of               study               to               the               ideas               and               treatments               of               holistic               and               homeopathic               philosophies.

It               reported               results               in               nine               of               its               medical               journals,               and               found               the               conclusions               of               homeopathic               trials               and               studies               to               be               limited               to               only               a               few               positive               results.
               Of               all               the               alternative               medicine               treatments               tried,               the               following               were               the               only               one               proven               to               effectively               help               a               patient's               condition:
               *Relief               for               irritable               bowl               syndrome               by               use               of               a               mixture               of               several               Chinese               herbs.

               *Relief               of               carpal               tunnel               syndrome               through               yoga               practices.

               *Relief               of               bladder               issues               caused               by               prostate               enlargement               by               use               of               a               specific               herb.
               While               the               results               for               those               with               the               conditions               were               beneficial               for               the               relief               of               the               symptoms,               the               remedies               did               nothing               to               correct               or               treat               the               underlying               disease               or               condition.

Traditional               medical               treatment               was               still               required.
               Surprisingly,               when               these               results               were               released,               it               was               found               that               some               of               the               most               common               homeopathic               treatments               did               not               work.

These               included               the               use               of               Garcinia               cambogia               for               weight               loss,               acupuncture               for               relief               of               pain               in               patients               with               H.I.V,               and               the               use               of               chiropractic               manipulation               to               relieve               tension               headaches.
               The               use               of               chiropractors               and               massage               therapists               continue               to               rise               in               numbers               around               the               world,               especially               in               the               untied               states.

Yet               there               is               little               to               no               evidence               that               this               form               of               treatment               will               provide               long               term               relief               for               many               conditions,               if               any               at               all.

This               alone               is               a               largely               debated               topic               amongst               traditional               and               alternative               medicine               advocates               and               physicians.
               Homeopathic               Treatments               Vs               Traditional               Medicine               -               Prof               Edzard               Ernst
               Perhaps               one               of               the               most               public               figures               on               the               debate               between               homeopathic               and               traditional               medicine               Dr.

Edzard               Ernst,               MD,               PhD.

Beginning               his               career               at               the               homeopathic               hospital               in               Munich,               Germany,               Prof               Ernest,               a               trained               homeopathic               physician,               has               become               the               voice               of               alternative               medicine               skeptics.

Currently               Dr.

Ernst               is               currently               a               Professor               of               Complementary               Medicine               in               the               United               Kingdom,               and               is               the               first               person               to               hold               this               position.
               In               a               2010               publication               in               the               Medical               Journal               of               Australia,               Prof               Ernest               reviewed               150               homeopathic               clinical               trials               and               found               that               either               the               results               were               biased               and               skewed               towards               the               homeopathic               therapies,               or               they               failed               to               provide               any               conclusive               evidence               that               the               remedies               worked               at               all.

Traditional               medical               professionals               find               Prof               Ernst's               work               to               be               unbiased               given               his               homeopathic               training               and               practice,               however,               many               homeopathic               medical               practitioners               see               him               as               a               somewhat               of               a               trader               to               his               craft.
               In               addition               to               the               2010               publication               in               the               Australian               medical               journal,               Prof               Ernst               has               published               several               other               articles               and               books               on               the               ineffectiveness               of               homeopathic               medicine.

In               the               conclusion               of               the               book:               Trick               or               Treatment               (2009)               Prof               Ernst,               in               partnership               with               Simon               Singh               -               a               British               mathematical               and               scientific               writer               -               challenge               anyone               to               prove               the               review               of               homeopathic               positive               results               (2008)               in               the               Cochrane               Collaboration,               correct               and               true.

A               reward               of               ten               thousand               Euros               was               offered               as               payment,               paid               out               of               pocket               by               Ernst               and               Singh.

No               person               was               able               to               complete               the               challenge               and               prove               the               Cochrane               Collaboration's               report               true               and               factual,               despite               many               attempts.
               Homeopathic               Treatments               Vs               Traditional               Medicine               -               Ban               on               Homeopathic               Teaching
               With               skeptics               as               outspoken               as               Prof               Ernst,               and               others               organizations               against               alternative               medical               treatments               located               in               countries               who               practice               modern               medicine,               the               British               Medical               Association               (BMA)               has               overwhelmingly               voted               to               place               a               blanket               ban               on               all               teachers               preventing               the,               from               teaching               homeopathic               practices               and               treatments.
               Citing               such               reputable               health               and               research               centers,               such               as               the               National               Institute               of               Health               in               the               United               States,               The               BMA               argued               that               with               no               conclusive               evidence,               the               practices               of               homeopathic               treatments               offer               no               more               value               than               placebos               when               studied               in               clinical               trials.

As               reported               in               the               a               May,               2010               article               of               the               Telegraph,               a               national               news               reporting               source               in               the               UK,               Dr.

Tom               Dolphin               -               deputy               chairman               of               the               BMA's               junior               doctors               committee               in               England,               -               described               the               practice               of               homeopathy               or               alternative               medicine               to               be               "witchcraft"               and               something               that               should               not               be               paid               for               by               the               government.

As               of               May               2010,               the               National               Hospital               of               Homeopathy               is               located               in               London,               and               is               funded               by               the               UK's               National               Health               Service               (NHS).
               The               British               Homeopathic               Association               (BHA)               rebutted               the               "unfounded               criticism"               of               the               BMA's               ban               on               alternative               medicine               teaching               on               their               website,               and               addressed               allegations               of               lack               of               positive               clinical               trial               results.

Citing               several               cases               where               alternative               medicine               and               homeopathic               treatments               were               somewhat               helpful,               they               attacked               testimonies               of               those               such               as               Prof.


Ultimately               it               was               admitted               that               while               they               believe               that               alternative               and               holistic               medicine               is               beneficial,               it               should               be               used               in               conjunction               with               traditional               medicine.
               The               UK               is               not               the               only               country               that               enforces               a               ban,               or               is               attempting               some               kind               of               medical               prevention               of               alternative               medicine.

There               are               reports               and/or               laws               in               some               Asian               countries               such               as               India               and               Malaysia.
               Homeopathic               Treatments               Vs               Traditional               Medicine               -               Can               Both               Practices               Coexist?
               Given               the               continued,               building               attention               in               alternative               medicine               and               homeopathic               treatments,               many               western               physicians               are               finding               a               way               to               balance               their               patient's               interest               in               holistic               medicine               with               the               proven               science               of               traditional               medicine.
               In               1998,               then               assistant               professor               of               medicine               at               Harvard               University,               Dr.

David               Eisenberg,               was               reported               by               the               New               York               Times               as               saying               that               even               with               the               trend               to               alternative               medical               treatments,               that               surveys               show               that               patients               continue               to               see               their               traditional               medical               doctors.

While               he               acknowledges               that               patients               were               correct               in               continuing               traditional               care,               he               expressed               concern               that               patients               may               not               report               what               alternative               therapies               they               are               using.

This               lack               of               information               could               result               in               harmful               interactions               with               some               prescribed               medications.
               Another               worry               of               physicians               is               that               some               of               the               relief               of               symptoms               as               a               result               of               the               homeopathic               treatments               may               mask               a               more               dangerous               issue.


John               McConnel               cited               an               example               of               this               worry               in               the               1998               A.M.A               study               when               he               expressed               concerns               that               while               the               natural               herb               saw               palmetto               may               relieve               some               bladder               problems               in               men               from               enlarged               prostate,               without               the               symptoms               and               proper               medical               treatment               with               traditional               methods,               cases               of               prostate               cancer               may               be               missed.
               However,               since               the               majority               of               all               clinical               research               done               on               homeopathic               and               alternative               medicine               shows               that               there               is               little               difference               between               the               treatment               and               that               of               a               placebo               (a               non-medical               controlled               substance               or               stimulus),               many               traditional               medical               physicians               do               not               try               to               sway               their               patient's               interest.

It               is               because               of               this               placebo               effect               that               doctors               believe               if               a               patient               feels               that               their               medical               issue               is               being               addressed               and               the               treatments               of               alternative               medicine               practitioner,               such               as               that               of               a               chiropractor,               are               helpful               there               is               no               need               to               express               concern.

It               is               only               asked               that               a               patient               take               some               responsibility               in               their               health               care               and               discuss               the               risks               and               benefits               of               any               treatments,               alternative               or               otherwise,               with               their               traditional               medical               physician               before               beginning               any               new               health               and/or               medical               management               regimens.
               Donnely,               Laura.

Homeopathy               is               witchcraft,               say               doctors.

               Singh,               Simon.

               Ancient               Greek               Medicine.

               Hahnemann,               Samuel.


               Ernst,               Ezard.

               Ezard               &               Singh.

Trick               or               Treatment.

               Grady,               Denise.

To               Aid               Doctors,               A.M.A.

Journal               Devote               Entire               Issue               to               Alternative               Medicine.nytimes.com               
               BMA:               British               Homeopathic               Association               rebuts               unfounded               criticism.


Harvey,               Ken.

Homeopath's               own               studies               show               -               it               doesn't               work.


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