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2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'naturopathic medicine schools'|State of California DCA-NMC Bait and Switch - Their "Consumer's Guide to Naturopathic Medicine" Brochure

About 'naturopathic medicine schools'|State of California DCA-NMC Bait and Switch - Their "Consumer's Guide to Naturopathic Medicine" Brochure

According               to               the               American               Association               of               Naturopathic               Physicians,               naturopathy               acknowledges               the               importance               of               the               human               body's               "innate               healing               ability."               Naturopathic               doctors               and               other               health               care               professionals               rely               on               both               scientific               rigor               and               the               power               of               diet,               exercise,               lifestyle               changes               and               cutting               edge               natural               therapies               to               ward               off               and               combat               disease.

Naturopathic               medicine               considers               the               whole               person,               rather               than               just               the               disease               or               disorder.

Naturopathic               treatment               plans               combine               the               very               best               modern               medical               science               has               to               offer               with               traditional               and               natural               approaches               to               both               treat               disease               and               restore               health.

If               you're               considering               a               career               in               health               care               but               want               to               put               the               patient               front               and               center,               naturopathic               medicine               might               be               an               excellent               choice               for               you.

Where               to               start?

The               Association               of               Accredited               Naturopathic               Medical               Colleges               (AANMC)               has               seven               affiliated               North               American               medical               colleges               and               naturopathic               schools.

These               naturopathic               colleges               and               schools               are               first-rate,               accredited               and               meet               federal               and               academic               standards               for               naturopathic               training.
               Where               to               apply?

Check               out               these               Top               5               Naturopathic               Schools               in               the               US               and               Canada.

These               North               American               naturopathic               colleges               and               schools               are               fully               accredited               and               are               well-regarded               institutions               of               higher               education,               naturopathic               medicine               and               the               healing               arts.
               Bastyr               University               
               Website:               www.bastyr.edu               
               14500               Juanita               Drive,               NE               
               Kenmore,               WA               98028-4966               
               General               Telephone:               (425)               823-1300               
               Admissions               Line:               (425)               602-3330
               Here's               a               naturopathic               school               that's               recognized               for               both               its               rigorous               curriculum               and               groundbreaking               research.

Offering               both               graduate               and               undergraduate               degrees,               Bastyr               is               fully               accredited               and               located               in               a               great               community               not               too               far               from               metro               Seattle               and               the               beautiful               Cascade               Mountains.

The               campus               is               set               on               51               acres               of               wooded               grounds               adjacent               to               Lake               Washington               and               a               super               state               park.

A               new,               eco-friendly,               LEED-certified               student               residential               village               is               scheduled               to               open               in               summer               2010.

Check               out               Bastyr               University,               featuring               the               largest               natural               health               clinic               in               the               Northwest.

Naturopathic               medicine               at               its               very               best.

A               great               naturopathic               academic               institution               in               the               United               States.
               Boucher               Institute               of               Naturopathic               Medicine               
               Website:               www.binm.org/               
               BINM               Boucher               Centre               
               300-435               Columbia               Street               
               New               Westminster,               British               Columbia,               CAN               V3L               5N8               
               Telephone:               (604)               777-9981
               Boucher               Institute               of               Naturopathic               Medicine               is               Western               Canada's               only               accredited               Naturopathic               Medical               School,               featuring               small               class               sizes               to               facilitate               collaborative               learning               and               promote               mentor-mentee               dialogue.

No               prerequisites               offered               onsite.

Six               Year               Doctor               of               Naturopathic               Medicine               (ND)               Program               is               offered               every               three               years.

The               next               start               date               for               the               full               time               program               is               January               2012.

Acceptance               into               the               part-time               program               will               occur               on               a               continuous               or               rolling               admissions               basis               until               all               the               seats               are               full.

Check               out               Boucher               if               you               really               want               to               make               a               difference               in               naturopathic               medicine               and               with               patients               today.

A               great               naturopathic               learning               experience               in               beautiful               British               Columbia               in               Western               Canada.
               National               College               of               Natural               Medicine               
               Website:               www.ncnm.edu               
               49               SW               Porter               Street               
               Portland,               Oregon               97201               
               Telephone:               (503)               552-1555
               National               College               of               Natural               Medicine               (NCNM)               is               the               oldest               accredited               naturopathic               medical               college               in               North               America.

Check               out               NCNM's               exceptional               graduate               programs               in               naturopathic               medicine               and               classical               Chinese               medicine.

NCNM's               training               model               combines               ancient               healing               wisdom               with               modern               science               in               a               challenging               program               format               and               curriculum.

NCNM's               natural               medicine               clinics               and               the               legendary               Helfgott               Research               Institute               are               key               to               optimizing               the               student's               learning               experience.

NCNM               is               conveniently               located               in               Portland,               Oregon,               a               community               devoted               to               the               healing               arts,               and               an               excellent               place               to               study               natural               medicine.
               National               University               of               Health               Sciences               
               Website:               www.nuhs.edu               
               The               Office               of               Admissions,               Janse               Hall,               1st               Floor               
               200               E.

Roosevelt               Road               
               Lombard,               Illinois               60148               
               Telephone:               (800)               826-6285               (toll               free);               (630)               889-6566               (local)               
               Email:               admissions@nuhs.edu
               National               University               of               Health               Sciences               is               fully               accredited,               and               a               leading               institution               for               health               science               education,               offering               programs               and               training               in               chiropractic,               naturopathic,               and               oriental               medicine,               acupuncture,               massage               therapy,               biomedical               science,               and               much,               much               more.

A               leader               in               chiropractic               education               since               1906,               National               is               well-known               for               its               hands-on,               naturopathic               program               and               faculty.

No               boring               classes               here.

National               offers               a               plethora               of               options,               such               as               Doctor               of               Chiropractic               Medicine               (DC),               Doctor               of               Naturopathic               Medicine               (ND),               Master               of               Science               in               Acupuncture               (MSAc),               among               others.

Residential               housing               provided               to               one-third               of               its               students,               including               singles               and               couples.

Want               to               make               a               difference               in               health               care               in               the               new               millennium?

Interested               in               naturopathic               medicine               and               the               healing               arts?

Give               National               a               call.

A               great               naturopathic               program,               not               too               far               from               Chicago               (about               a               30               minute               drive               from               O'Hare),               and               other               urban               centers.
               Southwest               College               of               Naturopathic               Medicine               (SCNM)               
               Website:               www.scnm.edu/               
               2140               E.

Broadway               Road               
               Tempe,               Arizona               85282               
               Telephone:               (480)               858.9100               
               Email:               admissions@scnm.edu
               Southwest               College               of               Naturopathic               Medicine               (SCNM)               is               fully               accredited,               and               well               regarded               as               a               terrific               alternative               medical               school,               offering               excellent               courses               in               natural               medicine               and               holistic               medicine               and               treatments.

Since               its               founding               in               1993,               nearly               700               doctors               have               graduated               from               SCNM               with               a               solid               foundation               in               naturopathic               medicine,               science               and               the               healing               arts.

Distinguished               faculty               represent               a               variety               of               professions               including               NDs,               MDs,               PhDs,               DOs,               DCs               and               credentialed               Acupuncturists.

SCNM               students               gain               terrific               education               and               hands               on               experience.

Conveniently               located,               and               a               20               minute               drive               from               Phoenix,               Arizona.

Steps               from               the               legendary               Arizona               desert               and               highlands.

For               an               enriching               naturopathic               education               in               a               wonderful               southwest               community,               check               out               SCNM               today.

               American               Association               of               Naturopathic               Physicians               (AAN)               
               Web               site:               www.aanmc.org               
               4435               Wisconsin               Avenue,               NW               Ste.

403,               Washington,               DC               20016               
               Telephone:               (202)               237-8150               (local)
               Association               of               Accredited               Naturopathic               Medical               Colleges               (AANMC)               
               Web               site:               www.naturopathic.org               
               3201               New               Mexico               Avenue,               NW               Suite               350,               Washington               D.C.

               Telephone:               (202)               895-1382               (local)               or               (866)               538-2267               (toll               free/long               distance)               
               E-mail               info@aanmc.org

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      (the vitalism of naturopathy / naturopathic medicine)
      (the vitalism of naturopathy / naturopathic medicine)

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