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레이블이 University of Natural Health Reviews인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'university of natural health'|...the same time", Francescutti, an emergency physician and professor at the University of Alberta's School of Public Health. "Fifty percent or more of our brain's capacity is focusing...

About 'university of natural health'|...the same time", Francescutti, an emergency physician and professor at the University of Alberta's School of Public Health. "Fifty percent or more of our brain's capacity is focusing...

High               blood               pressure               is               a               pervasive               problem               that               affects               almost               30               million               Americans.

This               makes               it               the               third               most               prevalent               chronic               condition               in               the               nation,               behind               only               sinusitis               and               arthritis.

High               blood               pressure               can               raise               the               risk               of               cardiovascular               disease               as               you               age.

It               is               important               to               lower               high               blood               pressure               numbers               to               prevent               negative               health               risks               later               on               in               life.

Natural               remedies               can               help               to               reduce               and               help               deal               with               mild               hypertension.

If               you               have               high               blood               pressure               readings,               it               is               best               to               check               with               your               doctor               for               conventional               treatment.

Always               consult               your               physician               before               attempting               to               lower               blood               pressure               on               your               own.
               One               of               the               best               things               to               do               to               help               lower               blood               pressure               is               to               lose               weight.

Obese               people               tend               to               have               three               times               as               much               hypertension               as               people               of               normal               weight               according               to               Dr.

Norman               Kaplan               with               the               University               of               Texas               Health               Science               Center               at               Dallas.

Even               small               amounts               of               weight               loss               can               help               to               lower               blood               pressure.

This               should               be               your               first               strategy               when               it               comes               to               lowering               blood               pressure.
               Eliminate               salt               from               your               diet               as               much               as               possible.

While               there               is               no               way               to               definitively               know               if               salt               increases               blood               pressure,               for               salt               sensitive               people,               the               existence               of               salt               in               the               diet               can               lead               to               higher               blood               pressure               numbers.

Keep               salt               levels               lower,               but               don't               plan               on               it               solving               the               entire               problem               of               high               blood               pressure.
               Excess               consumption               of               alcohol               can               play               a               role               in               raising               blood               pressure               numbers.

Limit               your               alcohol               number               to               2               drinks               a               day               or               fewer.

When               you               go               beyond               that               number,               you               may               risk               raising               your               blood               pressure.
               Garlic               has               been               shown               to               maintain               already               low               blood               pressure               levels.

Simply               eat               a               clove               or               two               of               fresh,               chopped               garlic               every               day.

If               you               don't               want               to               smell               all               garlicky,               consider               the               use               of               garlic               supplements,               where               most               of               the               odor               has               been               removed.

Take               according               to               package               directions.
               Hawthorne               is               another               supplement               that               has               shown               promise               in               strengthening               the               heart,               and               in               doing               so,               may               help               to               ease               and               lower               blood               pressure.

Widely               available               at               most               health               food               stores,               Hawthorne               is               safe               to               take               on               a               daily               basis.

Always               check               with               your               doctor               first               before               adding               any               herbal               supplement.
               Add               a               little               bit               of               exercise               to               your               daily               schedule.

Better               yet,               get               yourself               a               dog,               head               outside               and               go               for               a               walk               with               your               new               buddy.

Not               only               will               exercise               help               you               lose               weight,               but               it               will               boost               your               mood.

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