2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'pro natural nutrition'|Pro Nutrition Help

About 'pro natural nutrition'|Pro Nutrition Help

Most               health               bars               offer               a               lot               of               nutrition               but               not               all               offer               good               taste.

Some               despite               being               health               bars               are               weighty               in               the               calorie               count               and               high               in               fat               content.

You               have               to               make               yourself               familiar               with               the               contents               and               judge               a               bar               on               that               as               well               as               taste.

Luna               bars               are               specifically               made               for               women               because               they               contain               soy               protein,               soy               being               a               very               important               ingredient               in               that               it               promotes               healthy               heart               and               muscle               tissue.

It               also               helps               maintain               a               balance               when               you               ar               going               through               the               changes.
               They               are               chocolate               coated               on               the               bottom,               I'm               a               real               chocoholic               so               this               sells               them               to               me               in               the               taste               department.

Some               of               the               flavors               have               real               cherries               i.e.

Cherry               covered               Chocolate               ,Nutz               Over               Chocolate,               dark               my               favorite               chocolate               of               course               and               a               nice               crunch,,               S'Mores,               Sweet               Dreams,               .

S'Mores               is               a               blend               of               peanuts               and               cocoa               soy               crisps,               with               caramel               mixed               in.

Sweet               Dreams               has               peanuts,               caramel,               and               cocoa               soy               crisps.
               They               are               all               very               filling               which               is               nice.

I'm               not               eating               them               as               part               of               a               diet               more               as               healthy               snacks               but               filling               is               good.They               all               have               a               slight               aftertaste               which               I               attribute               to               the               so               content               but               a               drink               of               water               will               wash               that               away.

They               all               are               a               nice               size               ,               great               for               travel,               on               a               plane               in               a               car               or               even               at               the               office.
               A               really               nice               aspect               is               they               contribute               to               the               Breast               Cancer               Fund               with               each               sale.

my               best               friend               is               going               through               chemo               right               now               so               that               makes               me               choose               Luna               Bars.
               All               these               bars               are               available               at               any               drugstore.

for               anywhere               from               .99               to               1.59               a               bar
               Made               by               Clif               Bar,               Inc.

               Berkeley,               CA.

               The               Luna               bar               contains               23               vitamins               and               minerals               :Calcium,Folic               Acid,Antioxidants,Vitamin               A,Vitamin               ,Vitamin               B               12               ,Iron               :
               Calories               180
               Calories               from               Fat               40
               Total               Fat               4.5               g
               Saturated               Fat               2.5               g
               Polyunsaturated               Fat               0               g
               Monounsaturated               Fat               0               g
               Cholesterol               0               mg
               Sodium               100               mg
               Potassium               105               mg
               Total               Carbohydrates               24               g
               Dietary               Fiber               2               g
               Sugars               12               g
               Other               Carbohydrates               10g
               Protein               10               g
               May               contain               traces               of               peanuts               or               other               nuts.

No               high               fructose               corn               syrup.

Wheat               and               dairy               free.

(good               for               those               who               are               lactose               intolerant)
               Ingredients:Luna               Pro               (soy               protein               isolate,               rolled               oats,               soy               flour,               rice               flour,               roasted               soybeans,               crisp               rice,               flaxseeds),               brown               rice,               syrup,               peanut               flour,               peanut               butter,               natural               flavors,               sea               salt,               decaffeinated               green               tea               extract,               chocolate               coating               (evaporated               cane               juice,               fractionated               palm               kernel               oil               cocoa,               soy               lecithin,               natural               flavors).
               Flavors:               Cherry               Covered               Chocolate               ,Chocolate               Peppermint               Stick               ,Chocolate               Pecan               Pie               ,Key               Lime               Pie               ,Lemon               Zest               ,Orange               Bliss,               Peanut               Butter               N'               Jelly               ,Nutz               Over               Chocolate               ,S'Mores,Sweet               Dreams,Tropical               Crisp               ,Toasted               Nuts               'N               Crunch               ,Chai               Tea               ,Sesame               Raisin               Crunch
               These               bars               come               in               your               average               size               and               shape               .

The               net               weight               is               2.11               oz.

(60               g)               and               I               cost               around               $1.99               a               bar               .They               can               be               found               in               most               CVS,               Eckerd's,Target               stores               The               package               boasts               that               this               bar               is               for               the               "original               low               carb               lifestyle."
               Vitamin               A,               Vitamin               C,               Calcium,               Zinc,               Iron,               Phosphorus,               Magnesium,               Vitamin               D-3,               Vitamin               B-1,               Folic               Acid,               Vitamin               B-2,               Vitamin               B-6,               Vitamin               B-12,               Vitamin               E,               Chromium,               Niacin,               Biotin,               Pantothenic               Acid,               Vitamin               K,               and               Selenium
               Ingredients               (Almond               Brownie)
               Protein               blend,               glycerine,               water,               polydextrose,               cocoa               powder,               almond               pieces,               natural               coconut               oil,               cellulose,               cocoa               butter,               butter               oil,               olive               oil,               natural               and               artificial               flavor,               lecithin,               maltodextrin,               guar               gum,               citric               acid,               sucralose
               The               Clif               bar               is               high               in               fiber               and               has               Soy               which               is               excellent               for               your               health.

It               has               570               mg               Potassium,               10               grams               of               Protein,               370               grams               of               Potassium               to               avoid               electrolyte               imbalance,               150               mg               of               Sodium,               and               10               grams               of               Protein.

I               love               the               high               protein               aspect.

It's               also               high               fat               4.5               and               is               240               calories               so               I               would               suggest               this               as               more               of               an               endurance               bar               since               it               prevents               surge               and               drop               in               energy.

Eaten               at               reasonable               intervals               it               will               keep               your               energy               on               an               even               keel.

So               compared               to               the               Soy               bar               it               is               an               energy               bar               rather               than               a               diet               bar.

It               relies               on               complex               carbohydrates               to               keep               your               enery               even.

It               also               has,               in               it's               favor               ,               all               natural               contents               and               organic               ingredients.
               Flavors:               Cookies               'n               Cream,               Peanut               Butter,               Carrot               Cake,               Cranberry               Apply               Cherry,               Chocolate               Chip,               Apricot               and               Chocolate               Almond               Fudge               as               well               as               the               Brownie               flavor.,               I've               only               tried               the               Brownie               flavor.

It's               quite               sweet               and               because               I               don't               want               the               added               calories               I've               avoided               this               brand.I               don't               need               a               power               bar               per               se               just               more               of               a               healthy               snack..
               Ingredients:Organic               Brown               Rice               Syrup,               Organic               Rolled               Oats,               Clif               ProTM               (Soy               Rice               Crisps               [Soy               Protein               Isolate,               Rice               Flour,               Malt               Extract],               Organic               Roasted               Soybeans,               Organic               Soy               Flour),               Organic               Evaporated               Cane               Juice,               Chocolate               Chips               (Organic               Evaporated               Cane               Juice,               Unsweetened               Chocolate,               Cocoa               Butter,               Soy               Lecithin,               Natural               Flavors),               Fig               Paste,               Organic               Soy               Butter,               Cocoa,               Clif               Crunch               TM               (Apple               Fiber,               Oat               Fiber,               Organic               Milled               Flaxseed,               Chicory               Extract,               Psyllium),               Dutch               Cocoa,               Natural               Flavors,               Sea               Salt.
               Nutrition:Dicalcium               Phosphate,               Magnesium               Oxide,               Ascorbic               Acid               (Vit.

C),               Tocopheryl               Acetate               (Vit.

E),               Ferric               Orthophosphate               (Iron),               Beta               Carotene               (Vit.

A),               Zinc               Citrate,               Phytonadione               (Vit.

K1),               Biotin,               Niacinamide               (Vit.

B3),               Calcium               Pantothenate               (Vit.

B5),               Potassium               Iodide,               Manganese               Gluconate,               Copper               Gluconate,               Sodium               Selenite,               Thiamin               (Vit.

B1),               Chromium               Chloride,               Cyanocobalamin               (Vit.

B12),               Sodium               Molybdate,               Folic               Acid               (Vit.

B9),               Riboflavin               (Vit.

B2),               Pyridoxine               Hydrochloride               (Vit.


The               Clif               bar               is               high               in               fiber               and               has               Soy               which               is               excellent               for               your               health.

It               has               570               mg               Potassium,               10               grams               of               Protein,               370               grams               of               Potassium               to               avoid               electrolyte               imbalance,               150               mg               of               Sodium,               and               10               grams               of               Protein.
               I               love               the               high               protein               aspect.

It's               also               high               fat               4.5               and               is               240               calories               so               I               would               suggest               this               as               more               of               an               endurance               bar               since               it               prevents               surge               and               drop               in               energy.

Eaten               at               reasonable               intervals               it               will               keep               your               energy               on               an               even               keel.

SO               compared               to               the               Soy               bar               it               is               an               energy               bar               rather               than               a               diet               bar.It               relies               on               complex               carbohydrates               to               keep               your               enery               even.

It               also               has,               in               it's               favor               all               natural               contents               and               organic               ingredients.
               Flavors:               Cookies               'n               Cream,               Peanut               Butter,               Carrot               Cake,               Cranberry               Apply               Cherry,               Chocolate               Chip,               Apricot               and               Chocolate               Almond               Fudge               as               well               as               the               Brownie               flavor.

I've               only               tried               the               Brownie               flavor.

It's               quite               sweet               and               because               I               don't               want               the               added               calories               I've               avoided               this               brand.
               So               the               Luna               bar               is               low               calorie               and               will               help               keep               you               on               an               even               keel               when               it               comes               to               appetite               as               well               as               giving               you               a               nice               crunchy               healthy               snack,               the               other               bar,               the               Clif               bar               is               a               good               power               bar               for               hard               core               exercising               but               is               on               the               sweet               side               for               me.

It's               also               organic.

There               re               many               choices               out               there               and               it               makes               sense               to               see               what               works               best               for               your               needs.

Image of pro natural nutrition

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