2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'holistic health school'|...drugreporter/20594/. Horton, R. (2004) The Dawn of McScience. New York Review of Book 51, Vol4..Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General Chapter3. available at http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/mentalhealth...

About 'holistic health school'|...drugreporter/20594/. Horton, R. (2004) The Dawn of McScience. New York Review of Book 51, Vol4..Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General Chapter3. available at http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/mentalhealth...

Pasadena               is               known               as               Rose               City,               but               when               your               rose               begins               to               wilt,               you               can               find               rejuvenation,               refreshment               and               recuperation               at               Eaton               Canyon               Natural               Medicine               Center.

According               to               the               immunologist,               Dr.

Jesse               Stoff,               five               key               causes               that               damage               the               body's               autoimmune               system               are:               poor               eating               habits/nutrition,               man-made               toxins               in               the               environment,               organisms               that               cause               disease,               trauma               to               the               immune               system,               and               stress.


Stoff               received               his               B.A.

Degree               in               Biology               and               graduated               cum               laude               with               honors               from               Adelphi               University,               Garden               City,               New               York,               as               well               as               co-authored               the               book               entitled,               "Chronic               Fatigue               Syndrome:               The               Hidden               Epidemic".
               The               good               news               is               that               you               can               help               your               body               get               back               to               health               naturally               by               supplementing               food               with               holistic               vitamins               and               minerals;               drinking               enough               clean               water;               getting               daily               exercise;               and               by               finding               physical               healing               therapies               that               will               enable               you               to               detoxify               and               reduce               the               effects               of               daily               stress.
               These               therapies               may               include               acupuncture,               chiropractic               and               therapeutic               massage,               which               you               can               find               at               Eaton               Canyon               Natural               Medicine               Center,               located               at               1355               N.

Altadena               Drive               in               Pasadena               (626-398-5419).
               The               first               thing               you               will               notice               as               you               enter               the               clean,               quiet               foyer               of               the               Center               is               a               huge               fish               tank               that               dominates               one               wall,               filled               with               colorful               African               electric               blues               and               yellows               swimming               next               to               albino               peacocks.

The               sound               of               their               gentle               water               play               is               soothing               to               the               senses.
               The               small               waiting               area               is               decorated               with               succulents,               called               Mother's-in-Law               Tongue,               and               green               variegated               potted               plants,               creating               an               environment               of               peaceful               relaxation.

While               being               soothing,               the               Center               is               also               efficient,               as               the               health               care               practitioners:               Dr.

Karen               Raub,               the               acupuncturist;               Dr.

Arbi               Derian,               the               chiropractor,               and               Sylvia               Guerrero,               the               masseuse,               keep               the               three               exam               rooms               in               constant               use.

Each               room               is               supplied               with               comfortable               treatment               tables,               a               variety               of               therapy               equipment,               quiet               music               and               soft               lighting.

Karen               Raub's               practice               offers               acupuncture,               natural               medicine,               holistic               supplements               and               nutritional               consultation,               all               performed               with               gentle,               strong               hands.

With               well               over               10               years               of               practice               in               the               Pasadena               area               alone,               Dr.

Raub               graduated               from               Emperor's               College               of               Traditional               Oriental               Medicine               with               honors               in               1986.
               In               her               twenty               years               in               the               treatment               of               women's               health,               internal               medicine,               immune/auto-immune               disorders,               orthopedics               and               substance               abuse               recovery,               she               has               accumulated               additional               skills               and               experience               in               the               study               of               natural               medicine               at               Clayton               College               of               Natural               Medicine               and               The               International               Foundation               for               Nutritional               Health.
               She               surrounds               her               patients               in               an               atmosphere               of               quiet               relaxation,               dimming               the               lights               as               soft               instrumental               music               plays               in               the               background.

Her               initial               consultation               involves               asking               questions               about               your               health,               and               while               listening               to               the               answers,               adding               each               bit               of               information               (along               with               information               from               your               medical               records)               to               her               diagnosis.
               Acupuncture               has               been               used               for               centuries               in               the               treatment               of               infertility,               anxiety,               stress,               depression,               infections,               fevers,               arthritis,               sciatica,               bursitis,               asthma,               colitis               and               other               internal               organ               disorders.
               Her               passion               is               to               help               the               body               heal               with               its               own               natural               rhythms;               she               doesn't               push               the               process               unnecessarily.

She               has               worked               in               acupuncture               long               enough               to               make               a               living               doing               what               resonates               with               her,               which               is               to               heal               people,               by               helping               the               body               to               naturally               heal               itself.
               Contact               Information:               Dr.

Karen               L.

Raub,               L.Ac.,               Eaton               Canyon               Natural               Medicine               Center,               Acupuncturist,               Natural               Medicine               Practitioner,               (drraub@earthlink.net),               (626-398-5419).
               Regular               chiropractic               treatments               (which               are               called               adjustments)               can               be               utilized               for               treating               gym               and               sports               injuries;               relieving               headache;               detecting               muscle               firing               patterns               and               imbalances;               increasing               range               of               motion               and               flexibility;               relieving               back               and               neck               pain;               and               for               general               health               maintenance.

Arbi               Derian,               who               prefers               that               his               patients               call               him               Arbi,               is               an               athletic,               easy-going,               knowledgeable               chiropractor               whose               specialties               include               treating               gym               and               sports               related               injuries,               low               back               pain,               and               neck               and               shoulder               injuries.

After               attending               U.S.C.,               Arbi               went               on               to               graduate               from               Cleveland               Chiropractic               College.
               "My               inspiration               to               become               a               health-care               professional               came               from               watching               my               father               (who               is               a               surgeon               general)               help               people.

I               wanted               to               do               the               same,               but               in               a               less               invasive               way.

Seeing               my               patients               get               well               gives               me               immense               satisfaction,"               Arbi               said               in               a               phone               interview               in               April.
               Along               with               all               the               other               benefits               of               a               chiropractor,               Arbi               also               offers               personal               training               and               sports               injury               rehabilitation               at               Phoenix               Fitness               Center,               which               he               co-owns.

               Contact               Information:               Dr.

Arbi               Derian,               D.C.,               B.S.,               (626-398-5438),               Chiropractor,               Exercise               Physiologist,               (spinedoc@tmo.blackberry.net).
               Therapeutic               Massage
               According               to               the               preliminary               results               of               a               study               conducted               at               the               University               of               South               Carolina,               women               who               had               experienced               depression               after               the               recent               death               of               a               child               felt               less               depressed               after               therapeutic               massage.

Researchers               at               the               University               of               Miami's               School               of               Medicine               found               that               massage               helped               decrease               blood               pressure               in               people               with               hypertension.
               Massage               has               also               been               known               to               reduce               pain               in               migraine               sufferers,               and               people               with               back/muscle               pain.
               Therapeutic               massage               is               available               at               Eaton               Canyon               Natural               Medicine               Center               by               appointment               only.

Call               Sylvia               Guerrero               at               626-353-7347               for               more               information               or               to               schedule               your               massage.
               With               a               huge               percentage               of               the               population               in               our               country               suffering               from               "untreatable"               autoimmune               diseases,               and               Western               medicine               giving               them               little               other               than               a               handful               of               pain               pills,               it               is               high               time               to               look               toward               new               answers               to               these               serious               health               problems.
               Alternative               health               centers               like               the               Eaton               Canyon               Natural               Medicine               Center               and               the               Phoenix               Fitness               Center               just               may               offer               those               answers.

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    About 'university of natural health'|...the same time", Francescutti, an emergency physician and professor at the University of Alberta's School of Public Health. "Fifty percent or more of our brain's capacity is focusing...

    About 'university of natural health'|...the same time", Francescutti, an emergency physician and professor at the University of Alberta's School of Public Health. "Fifty percent or more of our brain's capacity is focusing...

    High               blood               pressure               is               a               pervasive               problem               that               affects               almost               30               million               Americans.

    This               makes               it               the               third               most               prevalent               chronic               condition               in               the               nation,               behind               only               sinusitis               and               arthritis.

    High               blood               pressure               can               raise               the               risk               of               cardiovascular               disease               as               you               age.

    It               is               important               to               lower               high               blood               pressure               numbers               to               prevent               negative               health               risks               later               on               in               life.

    Natural               remedies               can               help               to               reduce               and               help               deal               with               mild               hypertension.

    If               you               have               high               blood               pressure               readings,               it               is               best               to               check               with               your               doctor               for               conventional               treatment.

    Always               consult               your               physician               before               attempting               to               lower               blood               pressure               on               your               own.
                   One               of               the               best               things               to               do               to               help               lower               blood               pressure               is               to               lose               weight.

    Obese               people               tend               to               have               three               times               as               much               hypertension               as               people               of               normal               weight               according               to               Dr.

    Norman               Kaplan               with               the               University               of               Texas               Health               Science               Center               at               Dallas.

    Even               small               amounts               of               weight               loss               can               help               to               lower               blood               pressure.

    This               should               be               your               first               strategy               when               it               comes               to               lowering               blood               pressure.
                   Eliminate               salt               from               your               diet               as               much               as               possible.

    While               there               is               no               way               to               definitively               know               if               salt               increases               blood               pressure,               for               salt               sensitive               people,               the               existence               of               salt               in               the               diet               can               lead               to               higher               blood               pressure               numbers.

    Keep               salt               levels               lower,               but               don't               plan               on               it               solving               the               entire               problem               of               high               blood               pressure.
                   Excess               consumption               of               alcohol               can               play               a               role               in               raising               blood               pressure               numbers.

    Limit               your               alcohol               number               to               2               drinks               a               day               or               fewer.

    When               you               go               beyond               that               number,               you               may               risk               raising               your               blood               pressure.
                   Garlic               has               been               shown               to               maintain               already               low               blood               pressure               levels.

    Simply               eat               a               clove               or               two               of               fresh,               chopped               garlic               every               day.

    If               you               don't               want               to               smell               all               garlicky,               consider               the               use               of               garlic               supplements,               where               most               of               the               odor               has               been               removed.

    Take               according               to               package               directions.
                   Hawthorne               is               another               supplement               that               has               shown               promise               in               strengthening               the               heart,               and               in               doing               so,               may               help               to               ease               and               lower               blood               pressure.

    Widely               available               at               most               health               food               stores,               Hawthorne               is               safe               to               take               on               a               daily               basis.

    Always               check               with               your               doctor               first               before               adding               any               herbal               supplement.
                   Add               a               little               bit               of               exercise               to               your               daily               schedule.

    Better               yet,               get               yourself               a               dog,               head               outside               and               go               for               a               walk               with               your               new               buddy.

    Not               only               will               exercise               help               you               lose               weight,               but               it               will               boost               your               mood.

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    About 'holistic foods'|Oven Baked Tradition : Holistic food for your pets - Product review

    About 'holistic foods'|Oven Baked Tradition : Holistic food for your pets - Product review

    Holistic               medicine               is               aimed               towards               improving               overall               health               by               complete               lifestyle               changes.

    What               works               for               one               person               may               not               work               for               another               and               a               band               aide               approach               that               fails               to               take               into               account               overall               lifestyle               changes               may               have               little               effect.

    Arthritis               symptoms               can               respond               to               holistic               measures.

    It's               also               important               to               understand               that               just               because               an               herb,               supplement               or               other               type               holistic               treatment               is               "natural"               doesn't               mean               it               is               harmless.

    Foxglove               is               an               all               natural               plant               and               the               source               of               the               now               synthetically               made               dioxin.

    It               can               be               very               helpful               for               some               heart               conditions               and               it               is               a               poison               that               can               kill               you               used               inappropriately.
                   Some               herbal               remedies               can               interfere               with               or               increase               the               affect               of               prescribed               medications               such               as               Coumadin.

    It's               important               to               be               proactive               in               your               own               care               and               research               any               supplement               or               treatment               you               choose               to               use,               especially               if               you               are               already               on               prescribed               medication.

    Many               doctors               are               not               very               receptive               to               the               use               of               alternative               modalities               and               you               may               have               to               search               for               a               doctor               who               will               support               your               desire               to               try               them.

    Many               of               these               remedies               have               been               studied               and               found               to               have               greater               effect               than               placebos               and               can               be               useful               as               adjuncts               or               stand               alone               treatments.

    However,               some               have               not               been               studied               and               it               is               not               scientifically               proven               they               help.

    Use               your               own               judgment.

    For               myself               I               have               found               many               of               these               remedies               have               helped.
                   The               following               treatments,               supplements,               home               remedies               and               herbs               have               been               used               to               treat               arthritis:
                   1)               Vitamin               B12               with               folate               in               a               study               was               found               to               be               as               effective               as               NSAIDs               such               as               Ibuprophen               without               the               side               effects.

    The               dose               in               the               study               was               20mcg               of               B12               with               6400mcg               of               folate.
                   2)               GLA               which               comes               from               borage               seed               or               primrose               oil               has               been               used               to               treat               arthritis.

    The               dose               used               in               one               study               was               1400mg               daily.
                   3)               Glucosamine               and               chondroitin               have               been               used               to               treat               arthritis.

    Side               effects               have               included               heart               burn,               stomach               upset               and               diarrhea.

    Also               glucosamine               is               made               from               shrimp               shells               so               probably               should               not               be               used               by               those               allergic               to               shellfish               and               may               increase               blood               sugar.

    It               seems               to               be               most               effective               when               pain               is               severe               and               less               effective               as               a               deterrent               when               pain               is               mild.
                   4)               Devils               claw               has               been               used               as               an               anti-inflammatory.

    Devil               claw               is               hard               on               the               stomach               and               should               not               be               used               by               people               with               ulcers,               or               gallstones.

    Devils               claw               also               may               decrease               blood               sugar               so               people               on               diabetic               medication               should               be               wary               of               its               use.
                   5)               White               willow               bark               has               been               used               for               centuries               for               fever               and               inflammation               and               pain               relief.

    Its               effects               are               similar               to               aspirin               but               without               the               stomach               effects               as               aspirin
                   6)               Ginger               has               been               used               as               an               anti-inflammatory.

    It               also               decreases               nausea               and               stomach               upset.

    Ginger               can               interact               with               blood               thinners               and               should               not               be               used               by               people               on               them.
                   7)               Omega               three               oils               have               shown               anti               inflammatory               affects               but               also               increase               bleeding               potential               when               taken               with               some               medications.
                   8)               Essential               oils               in               a               vaporizer               or               added               to               a               massage               oil               can               relief               arthritis               pain.

    Eucalyptus,               helichrysum               and               ginger               are               felt               to               be               helpful.
                   9)               Magnetic               therapy               has               many               followers               who               claim               relief               from               its               use.
                   10)               Parsley,               carrots,               broccoli,               celery,               garlic               and               cabbage               make               a               healthy               beneficial               soup               for               arthritis               suffers.

    Other               beneficial               foods               include               pineapple               juice,               black               cherry               and               cherry               juice.

    Pineapple               juice               has               bromelain               an               enzyme               with               anti-inflammatory               properties.

    In               acute               phases               juicing               celery               and               drinking               up               to               a               quart               a               day               is               recommended.

    Celery               has               25               different               anti-inflammatory               compounds
                   11)               Here's               one               that               sounds               downright               pleasant!

    Cover               8               golden               resins               with               gin               in               a               three               shot               glasses.

    Let               sit               for               three               days               then               eat               the               resins               from               one               glass               each               day               until               the               pain               is               gone               or               you've               finished               the               three               glasses.

    I               don't               know               if               it               will               work               but               you'll               no               doubt               be               happy!
                   12)               Place               one               ounce               of               alfalfa               in               a               quart               of               water               and               boil               for               30               minutes.

    Strain               and               drink               throughout               the               day.

    Don't               uses               for               over               one               week               then               take               a               week's               break?

    Alfalfa               is               high               in               minerals               that               are               helpful.

    Too               much               can               be               harmful               though               so               don't               use               over               7               days.

    Other               herbs               that               can               be               made               into               tea               are               angelica               and               black               cohosh.

    With               each               of               these               it's               recommended               you               only               use               7               days               then               takes               a               7               day               break               from               use.
                   13)               Other               herbs               that               may               be               helpful               for               arthritis               include               feverfew,               hop               tea               and               rosemary               and               ginger.

    Ginger               can               also               be               boiled               and               the               water               used               as               a               compress.

    All               of               these               herbs               have               anti               inflammatory               properties.

    Tumeric,               wildyam               red               pepper               and               winter               green               are               other               herbal               teas               and               spices               that               may               be               useful
                   14)               Omega               three               fatty               acids               may               decrease               the               production               of               inflammatory               causing               chemicals               in               the               body.

    Omega               threes               isn't               made               by               the               body               and               we               must               get               them               in               our               diet.

    Fish               and               flaxseed               oils               are               good               sources.
                   15)               Dietary               changes               such               as               decreasing               sugar,               dairy               and               carbs               may               be               helpful.
                   16)               Try               adding               two               tsp               of               lemon               juice               to               a               tsp               of               honey.

    This               can               be               used               alone               or               added               to               a               glass               of               herbal               tea               and               drank               throughout               the               day.
                   17)               Two               tsp               of               apple               cider               vinegar               added               to               a               tsp               of               honey               and               to               a               glass               of               warm               water               and               drank               daily               for               several               days               may               also               be               helpful.
                   18)               SAM               is               an               amino               acid               derivative               similar               in               affect               to               glucosamine               that               has               shown               success               in               decreasing               arthritis               pain.
                   This               is               not               a               complete               list               of               holistic               treatments               for               arthritis,               but               a               few               of               the               many               out               there.

    Never               give               these               remedies               to               children               or               take               them               if               you're               pregnant.

    Always               check               with               your               doctor               if               you               have               questions               or               are               on               prescribed               medication.
                   This               article               is               meant               to               be               informational               and               is               not               medical               advice.

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