2013년 11월 30일 토요일



Most               of               us,               at               some               point               or               another,               have               exhausted               medical               outlets               and               still               have               no               satisfaction.

Throughout               this               article               I               will               be               defining               the               terms               of               alternative               medicine               as               well               as               outlining               alternative               healing               systems               that               many               doctors               and               practitioners               use.

Pleas               check               out               the               resource               section               for               more               information               as               to               these               claims…I               now               some               of               my               readers               will               love               to               see               them.

:)               Guide               to               Alternative               Medicine:               Terminology               
               Because               "alternative               medicine"               covers               a               wide               range               of               different               techniques,               the               following               is               a               layout               of               the               defining               characteristics…think               of               it               as               breaking               it               down.
               •               Alternative               medicine-               means               an               unconventional               medical               practice.

Herbs,               oils,               and               other               natural               elements               work               wit               your               body               to               heal               the               medical               problems.
               •               Allopathic               &               Osteopathic               Medicine-               refers               to               treatments,               therapies,               drugs,               etc.

This               practice               is               taught               in               medical               schools,               hospitals               and               alike.
               •               Holistic               medicine-               medicine               that               is               decided               upon               because               of               physical,               emotional,               mental               and               spiritual               aspects               of               any               person               seeking               treatment.
               •               Preventative               medicine-               This               usually               involves               immunizing,               screening               testing,               and               health               life               habits               including               preventative               herbs               and               other               therapies.
               Guide               to               Alternative               Medicine:               Chinese               Herbs               and               Medicines               
               Chinese               medicine               is               primarily               based               on               the               "yin"               and               the               "yang".

The               yin               and               yang               sometimes               are               referred               to               as               the               feminine               and               masculine,               the               opposing               forces               of               nature               etc.

The               yin               and               yang               are               actually               the               energy               that               is               vital               for               every               body.

So,               the               yin               and               yang               must               be               balanced.

Balance               is               generally               refers               to               as               "qi".
               Guide               to               Alternative               Medicine:               Naturopathic               Medicine               
               This               type               of               medicine               is               the               branch               of               alternative               medicine               that               deals               with               herbs               and               the               healing               powers               of               nature               that               God               has               provided.

A               vast               array               of               treatment               can               include               dietary               supplements               (vitamins               and               minerals),               herbs,               nutrition,               hydrotherapy,               etc.
               This               is               widely               used               for               preventative               measures               and               care               during               the               medical               problems               and               even               sometimes               the               cure.

For               more               information               on               this               type               of               natural               alternative               medicine               visit               the               links               below.
               •               The               American               Association               of               Naturopathic               Physicians:               www.naturopathic.org
               •               Bastyr               University               www.bastyr.edu/
               •               South               West               College               of               Naturopathic               Medicine               and               Health               Sciences               www.scnm.edu/
               •               Natural               College               of               Naturopathic               Medicine;               www.ncnm.edu
               My               favorite               books               that               hold               the               best               information               for               herbal               uses               are               as               follows:
               •               The               Encyclopedia               of               Natural               Medicine               by               Michael               T.

Murray,               ND               and               Joseph               Pizzorno,               ND
               •               Formulas               for               Heathy               Living               by               Francis               J.

Brinker,               ND
               •               The               Natural               Physician               by               Mark               Stengler
               •               Prescritption               for               Herbal               Healing               by               Phyllis               A.

Balch,               CNC
               •               Medicinal               Plants               and               Herbs               by               Steven               Foster               and               Christopher               Hobbs
               •               The               Herb               Society               of               America               Encyclopedia               of               Herbs               and               Their               Uses               by               Deni               Bown
               I               know               this               is               a               lot               of               resources               mixed               in               with               the               article               and               listed               in               the               resource               section               but               a               few               of               my               readers               are               dying               to               know               what               sources               I               use               for               my               medical               and               herbal               articles…this               one's               for               you               guys!

These               are               my               usual               sources               along               with               other               medical               websites               such               as               Web               MD,               American               Cancer               Society,               etc.
               Osteopathic               medicine               is               very               hands               on               and               can               provide               service               to               writing               prescriptions               to               performing               surgery.

The               muscles               joints               and               spine               are               usually               the               area               of               this               practice.

For               more               information               on               osteopathic               medicine               refer               to               the               organization               and               books               below.
               •               American               Osteopathic               Association               www.aoa-net.org/
               •               Osteopathic               Medicine:               An               American               Reformation               by               George               W.

Northup,               DO
               •               The               D.O.

s               :               Osteopathic               Medicine               in               America               by               Norman               Gevitz
               Guide               to               Alternative               Medicine:               Herbal               Remedies               
               If               you               are               looking               for               education               on               herbs               to               learn               for               yourself               the               benefits               of               this               alternative               medicine               I               have               a               few               suggestions               on               where               to               start.

They               are               wonderful               organizations               that               can               help               you               learn               about               herbs               and               plants               and               their               medicinal               purposes.

From               cancer               to               canker               sores               you               can               learn               all               about               the               natural               properties               that               provide               healing               and               cures               for               the               health               problems               that               plague               your               body.
               •               The               Herb               Research               Foundation               www.herbs.org/index.html
               •               American               Botanical               Counsel               www.herbalgram.org
               •               American               Herbalists               Guild               www.healthy.net/herbalists
               •               American               Herbal               Products               Association               www.ahpa.org/
               •               HerbMed               www.amfondation.org/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/herbmed.htm
               •               www.medherb.com
               Guide               to               Alternative               Medicine:               In               Closing               
               I               would               really               like               to               thank               my               readers               for               prompting               me               to               do               this               informative               article.

I               appreciate               the               deep               interest               in               my               work               and               knowledge.

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    About 'healthy natural snacks'|100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats – Low calorie snacks that taste great. Natural – Sugar Free – No Cook – Living Nutrition for Living Bodies.

    About 'healthy natural snacks'|100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats – Low calorie snacks that taste great. Natural – Sugar Free – No Cook – Living Nutrition for Living Bodies.

    Shopping               for               snacks               can               be               a               chore,               especially               if               you               are               a               vegetarian               and               are               also               searching               for               a               healthy               snack               alternative               for               yourself.

    Many               crisps               (chips)               are               loaded               full               of               saturated               fat               and               harmful               trans               fats.

    After               just               a               few               bites               you               will               often               be               left               with               greasy               fingers               and               a               thirst               that               needs               to               be               quenched,               due               to               the               high               level               of               sodium               that               is               packed               into               most               snacks.

    The               Veggie               Crisps               Original               by               East               Smart               All               Natural               Snacks               are               a               tasty               snack               that               can               take               the               edge               off               your               hunger.

    They               come               in               a               7               oz               (198g)               bag               that               states               that               there               are               0g               of               trans               fat               in               this               product.

    That               is               very               appealing               to               consumers               and               it               caught               my               attention               when               I               chose               to               buy               it.

    Upon               closer               examination,               I               saw               that               there               were               140               calories               per               each               30g               (21               crisps)               serving               of               crisps               which               is               quite               reasonable.

    The               total               saturated               fat               amounted               to               just               0.5g               or               11%,               which               is               good               news               if               you               are               watching               your               total               fat               intake.

    There               was               zero               cholesterol               in               the               Veggie               Crisps,               which               also               impressed               me.

    The               sodium               content               amounted               to               290mg               or               12%,               which               is               lower               than               most               snacks,               but               it               is               still               worth               keeping               an               eye               on               if               you               suffer               from               high               blood               pressure.

    The               Veggie               Crisps               will               need               to               be               eaten               in               moderation               if               you               fall               into               this               category.
                   The               Veggie               Crisps               Original               by               Eat               Smart               All               Natural               Snacks               does               not               claim               to               be               a               health               food               endorsed               by               doctors,               and               as               such,               it               is               not               wise               to               over               indulge.

    It               simply               states               that               it               blends               "real               potatoes,               tomatoes               and               spinach".

    But               these               ingredients               have               still               been               fried               in               fat,               so               this               is               not               a               substitute               for               eating               your               daily               portion               of               vegetables!

    The               crisps               have               ridges               and               taste               lighter               than               other               snacks               because               of               the               lower               fat               content.

    As               such,               they               can               be               eaten               on               their               own               or               with               a               low               fat               dip               or               salsa               at               a               dinner               party.

    I               like               to               eat               them               on               their               own               and               taste               the               faint               hint               of               vegetables.

    Personally,               I               do               not               find               the               spinach               crisps               at               all               appealing.

    The               tomato               and               spinach               crisps               contain               a               better               flavour.

    Due               to               the               lower               sodium               content,               I               do               not               find               myself               having               to               wipe               my               fingers               regularly               after               eating               this               snack.
                   I               would               recommend               the               Veggie               Crisps               Original               by               Eat               Smart               All               Natural               Snacks               for               vegetarians               who               are               searching               for               a               lighter,               healthier               snack               option.

    The               crisps               are               crunchy               and               have               a               faint               flavour               of               vegetables,               but               the               flavour               is               not               outstanding.

    It               is               better               to               eat               these               crisps               along               with               a               dip               or               salsa.

    On               their               own,               they               taste               rather               bland.

    Image of healthy natural snacks

    healthy natural snacks
    healthy natural snacks

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    healthy natural snacks
    healthy natural snacks

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    healthy natural snacks
    healthy natural snacks

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    healthy natural snacks
    healthy natural snacks

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    healthy natural snacks
    healthy natural snacks

    healthy natural snacks Image 5

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      ...about Brothers All-Natural fruit crisps . The...portion size, calorie count and healthy choices when making their snacks. They source fresh fruit from...
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      .... 'Nuff said. Get yourself a whole bunch of Yumnuts and have a healthy snack that tastes like it's shouldn't be!
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    Lately,               I've               been               hearing               a               lot               about               naturopathy,               a               type               of               alternative               medicine.

    As               holistic               practitioners,               naturopaths               are               concerned               with               the               big               picture,               looking               at               a               patient's               mental               and               spiritual               well               being               in               addition               to               their               physical               wellness               or               lack               thereof.

    As               interest               grows               in               complementary               medicine               and               alternative               health               care,               you               may               wonder               if               you               should               see               a               naturopathic               doctor               (ND)               or               other               practitioner               of               naturopathic               medicine               in               addition               to--               or               possibly               instead               of--               a               traditional               medical               doctor.

    Many               people               are               asking               themselves               the               same               question,               and               that               is               where               the               controversy               over               naturopathy               lies.

    Naturopathic               doctors               and               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               focus               on               prevention               and               healthy               lifestyle               choices,               preferring               a               patient               to               be               proactive               when               it               comes               to               health               care,               instead               of               waiting               until               a               patient               develops               a               disease               or               other               chronic               health               condition.

    Naturopaths               believe               that               the               human               body               can               heal               itself,               so               practitioners               of               naturopathy               focus               on               the               underlying               causes               of               disease               and               chronic               conditions               as               opposed               to               treating               the               symptoms               of               sickness               and               disease.
                   When               you               visit               a               naturopath,               he               or               she               will               want               to               know               about               more               than               your               standard               medical               history,               evaluating               your               nutritional               choices,               how               much               and               what               type               of               exercise               you               get,               and               your               general               psychological               well-being.

    When               you               first               visit               a               naturopathic               doctor,               expect               to               spend               an               hour               or               more               in               your               first               consultation,               and               at               least               half               an               hour               on               follow               up               visits.
                   When               you               contrast               this               approach               with               the               experience               many               of               us               have               with               traditional               doctors               who               are               often               unable               to               spend               more               than               fifteen               minutes               with               a               patient,               seeing               a               practitioner               of               naturopathic               medicine               seems               ideal.

    However,               there               are               drawbacks               to               naturopathy,               especially               if               you               intend               to               rely               on               a               naturopathic               doctor               (ND)               or               traditional               practitioner               of               naturopathic               medicine               as               your               primary               health               care               source.
                   Practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               do               not               approve               of               inorganic               medicines               (ie.

    pharmaceuticals)               and               invasive               procedures,               preferring               natural               and               homeopathic               remedies               for               disease.

    They               are               also               opposed               to               invasive               surgery               and               certain               other               treatments.

    Most               naturopaths               are               also               opposed               to               vaccination.

    This               is,               as               you               might               imagine,               problematic               and               possibly               dangerous,               especially               when               it               comes               to               treatment               of               infectious               disease               or               diseases               like               cancer.

    In               many               cases,               reliance               on               naturopathy               may               cause               a               disease               to               get               worse,               and               might               even               result               in               death.
                   Another               area               of               controversy               arises               from               the               qualifications               and               education,               or               lack               thereof,               of               many               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine.

    In               short,               there               are               a               lot               of               quacks               out               there               and               few               ways               to               prevent               them               from               taking               advantage               of               their               patients.
                   In               this               article,               I               have               been               differentiating               between               naturopathic               doctors               (ND)               and               other               practitioners               of               naturopathy.

    It               is               possible               to               get               a               four               year               degree               in               naturopathy,               but               few               schools               offer               it.

    Furthermore,               naturopathic               doctors               do               not               complete               a               residency               program               like               a               traditional               medical               doctor               is               required               to               do               upon               competition               of               medical               school.

    According               to               the               Naturopathic               National               Council,               Inc.

    many               traditional               naturopaths               have               only               completed               minimal               training               in               order               to               get               a               certificate,               and               some               practicioners               of               naturopathy               have               no               formal               training               whatsoever.
                   Even               more               worrying,               in               most               US               states,               parts               of               Canada               and               all               of               the               UK,               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               are               not               required               to               be               licensed.

    In               jurisdictions               where               naturopaths               are               unlicensed,               it               is               very               possible               that               the               traditional               naturopath               or               other               practitioner               of               naturopathy               who               calls               himself               a               naturopathic               doctor               (ND)               has               only               taken               a               six               week               course               over               the               internet,               and               he               may               have               no               formal               training               at               all.
                   Only               15               US               States               currently               regulate               or               license               naturopathy:               Alaska,               Arizona,               California,               Connecticut,               Hawaii,               Idaho,               Kansas,               Maine,               Minnesota,               Montana,               Vermont,               New               Hampshire,               Oregon,               Utah               and               Washington.

    The               District               of               Columbia,               Puerto               Rico,               and               the               US               Virgin               Islands               also               license               or               otherwise               regulate               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine.

    In               addition,               Florida               and               Virgina               have               licensed               practitioners               of               naturopathic               medicine               under               a               grandfather               clause,               but               are               not               licensing               naturopathic               doctors               or               traditional               naturopaths.
                   Only               two               states               prohibit               the               practice               of               naturopathy               outright:               Tennessee               and               South               Carolina.
                   Five               Canadian               provinces               currently               license               or               otherwise               regulate               naturopathic               doctors:               British               Columbia,               Manitoba,               Ontario,               Saskatchewan               and               Nova               Scotia.

    In               BC,               naturopathic               doctors               are               able               to               write               prescriptions               and               perform               minor               surgery.
                   Finally,               if               you               do               consider               consulting               a               naturopathic               doctor               or               traditional               naturopath,               it               may               not               be               covered               by               insurance.

    In               fact,               insurance               coverage               for               naturopathy               is               rare,               so               check               with               your               insurer               before               consulting               a               naturopath               if               this               is               an               issue.
                   The               American               Association               of               Naturopathic               Physicians
                   The               Naturopathic               National               Council,               Inc.
                   Yahoo               Health
                   American               Holistic               Medical               Association

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